Sunday, August 13, 2006

Aug 11-13

August 11 and 13 are from the Folk Fest and an old doodle that I coloured up, accidently shut off power on my computer before saving, and then scanned and coloured agian. Wheee! I think I liked the first version better (in that one it was night-time and the sky was dark blue.

In any case, I am heading out on holidays tomorrow morning, so there'll be a lot of nothing for a week, and then a lot of everything. in theory.


RÃ¥nny said...

Colleen, these are just beautiful! So much eye candy, I love your work :^)

keenan said...

yum .... candy!!! .... mmmmm, my eyes agree! *burp* .... yay, very cool doodles n stuff!!! *thumbs up*