Thursday, July 13, 2006

july 11 and 12 were a drawing filled time.

lots of weird little work doodles here! Be prepared for some Disregarded Anatomical Correctness.

july 11:
First off, a lot of these are a result of my having seen 'Mirrormask' finally. A great film with a greatly underdeveloped story, it got me on a mask and coloured skin kick, mostly influenced by the character 'Valentine'.

I don't know what this one is, but it was the first.

On staff meeting notes. A hipster greaser and a lady pirate (yes, I saw the film).

I think this one's my favourite of the bunch? from the same staff meeting, I like the two people flanking the middle one.

july 12:

masks and markers:

trying to do...children's illustration? I don't know. Something. I don't like how it turned out, but it was a try.

A character design? Gone wrong? We had these tall strips of paper at work that I borrowed one or two of. Again, I apologize for the anatomy. Yeeks.

Another trio, and again I dislike the middle and like the sides.

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