Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Well, I basically finished my film a week or so ago, had the first screening on Friday at preview night, and then graduated and had the second screening the night after! It's been really interesting seeing people's reactions to the piece.....it definitely is still a more controvertial topic than I had thought. It feels really good to be done though -- it still hasn't quite sunk in I think.

In any case, here's the poster, the films will be screening at Emily Carr every day at noon in the south building lecture hall until Victoria day, and we also have the external show (see below) coming up this weekend!

Here's the external show info, in this lovely poster designed by Daisy and Marie-Lou. If you're in Vancouver you should come out and see, if there's any tickets left!

So I guess this is it! I'll still be posting things here, but I'm not sure what exactly. Perhaps film updates in terms of festivals (if it gets in to any) and screenings? Sketches from the upcoming summer? Some crazy comic project? I'll figure something out.

Thanks, guys!

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